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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Cyclists like safety push in bill


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Roger 2 comments links to this post 12:53 AM  

Hi Roger,

Local cyclists complained about that graphic on the Murky News because it inaccurately highlights the supposed 'dangers' of a safe passinng distance -- it's as if drivers don't know what a brake is.

By law (and common sense), drivers aren't supposed to pass until it's safe. The graphic is ridiculous.

Gwadlyn complained that the main point of what he was trying to say was completely ignored by the writer. I plan to write a post on how to talk to the media to get your point across. Maybe you have your own tips to offer :-)

Many California cyclists are ambivalent about this law. Read Paul Dorn's blog for details.
I had read the story but had not seen that idiotic graphic, which says to me that cyclists like the "push for safety" because it will send cars slamming into head-on collisions.

As is so often the case, this is merely the fulfillment of someone's quota to have X number of front page graphics per week. It does, however, faithfully reproduce the hare-brained fears of opponents to the bill, as characterized in the article.
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