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Sunday, April 01, 2007

Thank God for duct tape!

Way back in November, I had to buy a roll of duct tape during the BubbaFest bicycle tour of the Florida Keys to keep my bike pump on my rental bike for the trip.

It's a good thing I had that duct tape today.

Several of us from the Belleville Area Bicycling and Eating Society did an informal ride on the MCT Trail system with a finishing stop at the Vintner's Cellar Winery in Edwardsville. It was a bright, sunny day with winds from the west of about 22-24 mph, but the winds weren't the worst of it for me.

When I took the bike out my car, I noticed a small bump in my front tire. I probably should have something about it then, but I thought it would make it through a 13-mile ride.

About three-quarters of the way through the ride, the bump was getting more noticeable. I deflated the tube and found that the Kevlar bands were starting to separate. I figured a couple of layers of duct tape would see that tire through, and I was back on the road.

As I was pedaling north on the Goshen Trail, I started hearing a pinging sound. I thought at first it was a brake pad that was rubbing, but that wasn't it. Less than 100 yards later, my rear tube popped.

While examining the tire, I noticed interior fibers of the tire stick out of it. Sure enough, the Kevlar bands were separating in the rear tire as well. Out came the duct tape again, and I put three layers of it over the gash. Fortunately, my buddy Charles Beil was in the vicinity and helped me get back on the trail.

The tires made it the final three miles back to the winery. It looks like I get to go the bike shop tomorrow!

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